Sunday, February 25, 2007

Mirror Mirror on the wall...

Last week we started improv to help Ms Mace determine how she casts the play, but also to loosen us up a bit and have some fun! I think our class has excellent potential, however, I do think that casting in this way isn't completely fair. I think so simply because I was stage manager second semester last year, and its hard to determine how well someone can perform when they didn't perform! I think there are others who feel that they don't excel in improv and I feel that this could affect the casting process. Especially when you're a bit slow like me :) it's hard just to come up with ideas straight out. I know Ms Mace will be fair, but i thought maybe we should have had a vote about casting versus auditions just so that people felt they were included in the process.

However, on the other side i think auditions are never a good portrayal of somebody's potential. One on one is always more nerve wracking than in class activities. Plus, i also feel that the majority of the time the people who do 'hog' the improv stuff (they don't really... they're just good at it...) are the people in our class who could perform the best. I know that sounds very biased, but that is what i think. Feel free to comment and abuse me about it. :)

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Jack Davis FINISHED!!!

Well we finished Jack Davis....finally! IT got more ineteresting as we went on, and looked at the symbolism of the play. There are a lot of things that i hadn't thought of in there. I found the essay excrutiatingly hard to write because the question was pretty shady about what it wanted me to say or answer. However, now that is over, we have strated on our group production of Mirror Mirror, or will be starting it soon. Miss Mace has decided not to audition us, which i think is crap for some and good for others. For myself, i know that i would probably do better in an audition because i would be worried that Ms Mace didnt really understand how weel I can do when i practice etc etc. However, casting is good because it would be pretty fair and give everyone a chance. I just feel that auditions can give the auditioner a clear picture of who would fit into what role.

In the matter of the play, I think Mirror Mirror sounds excellent. I think the class has great potential to do well, and i think the circus setting is very clever. I had a close relative of mine die of anorexia, so I think it is justified as a topic that should be brought out to the world. Not many people truly understand what they go through. and i think theatre is often the very best way to express ideas about certain issues. Similar to the play Bogus Woman, i think we could do really well. Till next time, luv *bec*

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Starting Jack Davis...

We started Jack Davis this past week, looking at him as a contemporary innovator. We are studying his plays, "Dreamers", "Honey Spot" and "Stolen". In the past couple of lessons we looked at starting to act out his plays so we can understand the theatrical aspects of it. This was really frustrating because a lot of people were messing around a lot. It was difficult to stay on tast for a lot of us because the play isn't a partucularly interesting one, but it does portray the differences and issues between Aboriginals and Caucasians. I also struggled to keep focus and stay on task because the play requires a lot of concentration which was difficult for many of us. I think we probably should have done a warm up or game beforehand to get everyone in the mood or something because i think it will be really dificult to continue studying this play for long periods of time without a break in between, otherwise we will get worn out.

I played the part of an Aboriginal tribal DANCER, who has profound resonance in the play as the link to the Aboriginals' traditional culture. Even though the Aboriginals in the play now live in the city, the dancer links their lives back to their past.

We will start writing the essay this next week, which i hope means the class will be more focused. Till later.... xoxo

Monday, February 5, 2007

First week... the BUILDING...dum dum duuuuummm...

Hi I'm *bEc* and I am in Year Twelve this year. To keep a track of my progress and feelings in one of my subjects, Drama Studies, I have created this blog. I think this is a very effective way to make surethat i do my work because it is more fun than just writing it in a book. I hope you enjoy my journal.... xoxoxo

In Drama Studies we have a large class, which means that we have many differences and difficulties. This past week we have been building our relationships with the others in our class and learning to be comfortable within, and with, the group.

Our first combined activity as a class was playing Zip Zap Zop. We played relatively well, but I was diappointed to see the amount of people who either thought the game was ...stupid... amd wasn't afraid to say so, or also the people who made no effort at all to join in the game. I had hoped this would improve, or we would be in trouble!!!

We played a game where you throw insults and then give compliments to each other. I really felt this game released the tension and helped to unite the class. The next time we played Zip Zap Zop, the effort levels had risen a lot and you could see we had imrpoved as a class.

Although each person in the class is different, I hope we can work together effectively. I still think we have a long way to go, especially in terms of learning to surrender what you wnat and let someone else have a turn doing what they want. However, I think what we have done so far has really helped everyone.

Till l8r, luv *bEc* xOxO