Monday, February 5, 2007

First week... the BUILDING...dum dum duuuuummm...

Hi I'm *bEc* and I am in Year Twelve this year. To keep a track of my progress and feelings in one of my subjects, Drama Studies, I have created this blog. I think this is a very effective way to make surethat i do my work because it is more fun than just writing it in a book. I hope you enjoy my journal.... xoxoxo

In Drama Studies we have a large class, which means that we have many differences and difficulties. This past week we have been building our relationships with the others in our class and learning to be comfortable within, and with, the group.

Our first combined activity as a class was playing Zip Zap Zop. We played relatively well, but I was diappointed to see the amount of people who either thought the game was ...stupid... amd wasn't afraid to say so, or also the people who made no effort at all to join in the game. I had hoped this would improve, or we would be in trouble!!!

We played a game where you throw insults and then give compliments to each other. I really felt this game released the tension and helped to unite the class. The next time we played Zip Zap Zop, the effort levels had risen a lot and you could see we had imrpoved as a class.

Although each person in the class is different, I hope we can work together effectively. I still think we have a long way to go, especially in terms of learning to surrender what you wnat and let someone else have a turn doing what they want. However, I think what we have done so far has really helped everyone.

Till l8r, luv *bEc* xOxO

1 comment:

jayan Mace said...

A great start to your blog Beck. You have pointed out some concerns but also areas of improvement. I hope that as the play develops you will be able to find some interest. Jack Davis does create some wonderful realism in his plays. Keep trying as it will make the research easier.
Great Start
Ms Mace