Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Express yourself ism

Today we started at looking at EXPRESSIONISM which is a form of theatre about funny enough...expressing yourself! Well actually there is a lot more to it, like abstract lighting and set design and the inner feelings portrayed such as vanity, paranoia and depression. After doing some theory work about it, we started on an impro piece of our own. In group of three we needed to pick an emotion or feeling that couldn't be expressed properly and use the medium of movement to express the emotion.

I was with Adele and Jenna for this part, and we started with the idea of depression. Adele was the person struggling with depression. I was 'depression' and Jenna was 'happiness'. Our piece basically shwoed the struggle between the two. ADele wakes up and at first she is happy, and then the depression sets in and begins to fight for her mind. As the piece progresses happiness gets pushed further and further away until Adele slumps on the floor, reaching out for happiness but it's too far away to reach. We worked really well i thought. We were focused when we were doing our piece and it looked really effective.

Our expressionist pieces iwll help us to understand how we are supposed to perform in the play. Our movement decides a lot on how we are casted. The play has elements of expressionism in it so this is an area we need to explore in order to have a successful performance.

Random ideas for Mirror Mirror:
(I'm just documenting them so i don't forget)
- Front of House: Red and White stripes of cardboard along the wall to give the illusion of a cirvus tent, and the ringmaster at the door ripping 'stubs' of the tickets.
- In the interval, have a real carnival atmosphere with fairy floss machines (this wasn't my idea- it was Jenna and Adele's...isn't it great!?)
- Things hanging from roof.... tightrope across the top of the audience... ( a real circus feel) with circusy music playing when people walk in...

-Publicity: Massive circus posters labelled Mirror Mirror.... set out like a circus poster etc etc.

-The Voice: A confident, 'large' (not literally) character who symbolises 'the perfect image' so dressed like a popular girl with trendy clothes etc etc, however who uses movement to overact everything and often yells in The Girl's ear even though she seems oblivious to it.

I wrote these ideas because one i wanted to get them into the open and two because i would like to see what the end result will be compared to these ideas and how we will come up with different ones. xoxo

1 comment:

jayan Mace said...

these are some great ideas and I am so glad that you have written them down. After doing this musical I realise that if you guys want an interesting set,costume and there is no set/costume designer then you will have to work on ideas and developing these areas. This is because I will not be able to do them well if it is left to me. You just get spread so thin and nothing is at the quality you want. hence I will delegate. My point is that blogging these ideas is great.