Thursday, March 1, 2007

Interpretive Dance

We have been continuing our impro to prepare for the play Mirror Mirror. Ms Mace got the rights to do it, so we should be casted soon. In class on Wednesday we started movement. We got into pairs and mirrored each other's movements. The idea was that it couldn't be determined who was leading the progression. This was hard to do and one had to move very slowly. It required a very high focus level.

I was paired with Kiah and i found that we worked really well together. We held really excellent focus and used our peripheral vision to see what we were doing. Although other people in the class were laughing and mucking around, we held focus the whole time.

After we had finished working with our hands, we moved on to working with our feet. Also in the same pairs, we moved through the space mirroring each other once again. We are exploring movement because it plays a crucial role in the play. Movement is very important because the play is set in a circus and the characters movements often portray more than their words do. To prepare ourselves to feel free and to let go of our embarrassed feelings, we started moving in pairs to music. This time there was no leader, we just needed to move in synch.

I was paired with Leonie for this part. It was really amazing how well we connected because we really both seemed to think the same things. THis required just as much focus as before, but the music was more relaxing and made it easier to move. Your body just seemed to react to teh music without as much thought as was required before.

The next activity was gettig in groups of four and repeating what we did in pairs. This was a thousand times more difficult because there were more people to watch and many conflicting ideas. However, we soon came to a compromise and it looked very effective.

Our final activity was to come up with a sort of interpretive dance. My group decided to do it about getting ready in the morning. It involved slow and overly exaggerated movements. We got out of bed, and had a shower and brushed our teeth. There was a brief fight about something and the atmosphere was pretty hectic. It was a fun activity to do and helped us to put ideas into movement.

On the subject of Mirror Mirror, I read some of the play and think it is really interesting. I think the part of the voice is the most interesting and challenging. However, all the roles look really challenging and exciting to work with. I look forward to finding out who has been cast as what.

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